Le CEO d'AI BRIGHT est invité sur BFM TV pour parler d'AIMOOV

The CEO of AI BRIGHT is invited on BFM TV to talk about AIMOOV

The CEO of AI BRIGHT is invited on BFM TV to talk about AIMOOV more

AI BRIGHT finaliste du FitTech award 2023

AI BRIGHT finalist for the FitTech award 2023

AI BRIGHT finalist for the FitTech Award in Munich more

AI BRIGHT est l'invité de l'INPI sur le Salon Vivatech 2023

AI BRIGHT is the guest of INPI at the Vivatech 2023 Show

AI BRIGHT is the guest of INPI at the Vivatech 2023 Show more

AI BRIGHT rejoint le collectif SportTech Français

AI BRIGHT joins the French SportTech collective

AI BRIGHT joins SportTech FR more

AI BRIGHT, Startup Française de l'IA

AI BRIGHT, French AI Startup

AI BRIGHT, in the France Digitale mapping of French Artificial Intelligence Startups. more